Holographic symbolism used energetically is utilized for healing, growth and spiritual communication. The psychic center of the human brain has a natural capacity to receive intuitive information and open up the Ascension Patterns in the human DNA.
Quantum Physics shows us that the entire physical universe, from solid matter to light, sound and electro-magnetic, is composed of vibrational wave patterns. Everything is vibrating, including our own bodies and everything emits a particular sound frequency and vibrational resonance. Each human being has their own vibrational signature. This energy signature is called an “auric field” and holds the past, present and possible future experiences resonating in the human Aura.
Holographic images contain geometric forms and pictures that are energy templates. These templates represent the divine link between higher dimensional energies, spirit and of matter on the Earth plane.
Fortunately, much of our current scientific knowledge has revealed that the laws of the physical universe must possess a spirit consciousness. Thus consciousness is programmed in the DNA and scientists like Richard Hawkins and Gregg Braden have brought this knowledge to the Human Potential Movement.
Our knowledge of the electro-magnetic fields, the aura, psychic centers, the chakra system and psychic phenomena are finally being brought into the light of scientific understanding and understanding through research.
The Mayo Clinic has been doing research on the Power of Prayer, Color and Sound therapy for years.
I hope this information will focus your attention on a new reality.
There have been times in previous societies, such as ancient
As a culture, our focus is shifting from the demands of the physical world to an existence that seeks to more fully experience a spiritual consciousness.
Understanding holographic images serves as a useful bridge between inter-dimensional space and the human energy system.
It is my intention to share the healing art of holographic imaging. I want to assist others in becoming accustomed to various tools and applications of higher-dimensional energies that resonate life force.
Holographic images will enhance anyone’s intuitive abilities and help them to interface with vibrational and psychic communication.
In meditation, natural healing practices or other creative process, you will feel a “Resonating Life Force Energy” that creates the opportunity to feel frequencies of other dimensions, and to make these frequencies available for expressions of truth and knowledge.
(Holographic Visualization)
10 minutes Exercise
Holographic Symbols:
Halo/Tubular Shaped Light
Pineal Glands/Image of an Ice Cream Cone
Halo/Light/Blue…Laser Light
Please read this exercise through a few time before activating the experience.
Please clear your mind and relax your body.
Prepare yourself as if you are starting a meditation. Breathe out of your nose only and continue to relax.
- Visualize a silver/light-blue, tubular shaped halo located six feet above your head.
- With a deep relaxed breath, image/visualize the Halo; see it slowly dropping down and over your head.
- The halo will continue to drop down until it sits just above your eyebrows.
- With your mind’s eye, pretend you can move the halo in a clockwise motion.
- The halo will start to move faster and faster until it moves so fast that the halo will look stationary.
- The halo’s color vibration gets brighter and brighter until it turns bright white in color.
- Allow the energy vibrating off the halo flow into the organ of your eyes.
- Watching this light flow energy, imagine the energy flowing in a soft-laser light beam to your Pinal Gland.
(The pineal gland is located in the center of the brain, above the ears, and is referred to as the Third Eye)
- The Holographic symbol for the pineal is an ice cream cone.
- Allow the light to enter this ice cream cone and allow yourself to feel the new sensations.
- Continue to feel all the wonderful sensations.
(Stop if your head or brow feels a throbbing or tightness. If this happens, it means you need to stop feeding the pineal gland.)
- When you’re ready to leave the hologram, breathe through your mouth and open your eyes. Relax. Ground yourself by drinking a glass of water.
Application: To assist the intuitive process, strengthen the organ of the eyes, open up cellular/energetic communication with the DNA and brain chemistry, thus activating new segments of the intelligence.
Call me if you want to know about a natural product called Etherium Gold. This product will assist the intuitive awakening and is considered an energy medicine supplement.
I have copies of the rather impressive research to share with you. Personally, I have experienced a subtle harmonizing of my energy fields, enhanced ability to attract higher information, and an ability to go deeper in prayer and meditations. It is also known to improve learning abilities in adults and children.
Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D. author Vibrational Medicine: “Etherium Gold is well suited to individuals beginning to open to higher consciousness, self-healing and a path of spiritual transformation.”
Thanks for “listening.”
Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life.
Badeish Lange (503) 591-7219
Email: badiesh@gte.net