Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Personal Energy Meter – Tool (Part II: Creating a Good Vibration - 3 Minutes)

Energy never remains at zero activity. If there were such a thing as a Personal Energy Meter, you would see that the needle is always moving. And, the PE Meter is very sensitive. You would see it’s needle swinging quickly to the left or right of center with the slightest fluctuation in your emotions…these are the products of your thoughts.

When the needle is pointing straight up to center it means a zero effect in fluctuation of the energy, hence, neutral movement.

Your thoughts broadcast energy and it’s either moving towards something or away from it. It is either attracting or repelling, either pulling something closer or pushing it father away. This PE Meter that you visualize as a tool will help you direct what kind of energy you are broadcasting…the idea being--- to send out something that will return to you something of a benefit.

Create by visualizing your Personal Energy Meter. See the points read on the left (1 to 10) zero in the middle, and (1 to 10 on the right. Assign the needle’s movement left as a loss of life force and its movement right to be added life force. The straight up zero position is neutral, level emotion.

From 1 to 5 (on both sides of the PE Meter) there exists less of a physical reaction. Anything over 5 on both positions of the PE Meter, you can have feeling experiences on the physical. There will be either a sense of feeling drained or, a heightened sense of feeling good, physical well being--- with powerful life force energies affecting the physical.

For an example: Remember the last time you laughed until you cried or felt extremely happy? Your PE Meter would have reflected a positive life change affecting the master cells of the physical body and healing energies would have shown up energetically with bio-chemical response.

Using this imagined meter like a speed-0-meter on a car, you can gauge events and thoughts as making increased energy intensity, or causing a decrease or loss of energies.

The way you think about a thing attracts it or repels it. Emotions are the energy of thoughts in motion.

A question to pose to the imaged PE Meter could be “How is my present emotional energy affecting my physical body, emotional body and spirit?” Don’t be afraid to ask yourself different questions while watching the meter.

Start thinking of the ways you could use this etheric meter. Example: While watching the needle, ask “How does this television program affect me emotionally or physically? Does it benefit me? What kind of energy input am I receiving from it?”

When you know what emotions and thoughts you are entertaining, it is called Conscious Creation. This is the deliberate construction of energy patterns in a particular frequency, this purposeful thinking about matter causes constructive energy to form around your thoughts.

Are you forming and sending out your vibrations deliberately and intentionally? If you are not, then they are forming randomly as a result of mixed, disorganized input. Change your vibrations, change your life.

Try using the Personal Energy Meter each day, starting in the morning. Look at it while considering how your day is going, or what you are thinking. Where does the needle swing? You alone can make it move one way or another.

Get in the habit of using this energetic tool and it will become empowering in ways that will surprise you. Like any good healing tool it needs to be used often to work. Try it. Move the needle on what you have just read!

I hope this will be both fun and helpful and I would be happy to hear from you regarding your results.

Thank you for listening,
Badeish Lange

Special session price $85 per hour until January 15, 2010. Many of you may be at a cross road and ready for fresh insights and life skills. In person or over the phone let’s explore options that empower your life.

Creating Good Vibrations Part I (2 Minutes)

Everything in life is energy. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that is not energy. Everything vibrates with energy and the number of vibrations, or wave patterns, within a given period of time refers to the "frequency" with which the energy fluctuates.

Energy is always fluctuating: it never remains static. If energy were to ever remain static everything would suddenly stand still. The physical world would simply stop, like a freeze frame movie. In that moment, life would end. Life, then, could be defined as movement; when it stops life stops. But energy movement in the Unified Field never stops. It is built into the system…it is the system.

This information is more than esoteric data. It has some practical implications in everyday living that could change your life in remarkable ways. It is also why I approach it from different and creative views.

The vast energy field of which we are a part can be, and is, affected by moments and move in any direction and from any source. We are energy generators whose thoughts and emotions pulse out in waves, interacting with other energy.

In every single moment our personal energy field is either moving towards something or away from it. The mental energy we generate either attracts or repels within the phenomenon known as space, “moving toward” something or “pulling” something closer is the same thing. It is the shortening of the distance between two objects or two experiences.

The way you think about a thing attracts it or repels it. That’s because what you want causes energy to move away from you in a certain direction. Once sent out, the energy attracts like energy from the Unified Field and sends it home to you.

The trick with your own energy field is to learn how to control its ebb and flow. It is working unconsciously on things right now, as automatically as breathing. Your energy field is working on the last directions you gave it…that last input it had via your thought and emotions about something.

Purposeful input is what adjusts the frequency of your energy field so that it projects outward an accurate “order” from you for what you want the universe to give.

These are things to think about just before speaking, just before taking some action or making some choice, be it large or small, in daily life. Each such action should be designed to bring you good things from the surrounding energy field.

Conscious creation is the deliberate construction of energy patterns into a favorable frequency. To put this simply, it is the intentional sending out of “good vibes.”

Conscious creation flows directly from your intentional choices to attract beneficial energy your way…and this is done by using your personal “remote control” to change channels until you see a program you want.

Good vibrations give good energy feedback. Try sending out some energy charged with beneficial expectations.

Adapted from Neale Donald Walsch

Thank you for listening,

Badeish Lange

Special session price $85 per hour until January 15, 2010. Many of you may be at a cross road and ready for fresh insights and life skills. In person or over the phone let’s explore options that empower your life.